Here is my second set of images for Korean flashcards, 15 vocab words to say where you are going! If possible, I try to use Korean-related images but at times there simply isn't one or another image is more familiar. So, use what you can!
1. Amusement Park 유원지, 놀이 공원 (놀이 think of 놀다 "to play" and 공원 is park)
(Super Junior on Roller Coasters, :D )
2. Antique Shop 골동품 가게 (골동품 is antique (noun) and 가게 is store/shop)
3. Art Gallery 미술관 ( 미술 is art (noun))
(Coffee Prince)
4. Bakery 빵집, 제과점 (빵 is bread (noun) and 집 is house (noun), 제과 is confectionery and 점 is point)
(My Lovely Sam Soon)
5. Bank 은행
(My Lovely Sam Soon)
6. Bar 술집 (술 is alcohol (noun) 집 is house (noun))
(Boys Over Flowers)
7. Barber Shop 이발소
(Sweeney Todd)
8. Baseball Stadium 야구장 (야구 is baseball)
9. Bookshop 서점, 책방 (책 is book (noun) 방 is room)
(Coffee Prince)
10. Bridge 다리
(Boys Over Flowers)
11. Building 건물
12. Bus Stop 버스 정류장
(Boys Over Flowers)
13. Bus Station/Terminal 버스 터미널
14. Camera Shop 카메라 가게
15. Castle 성
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